- Foster & Homeless Youth Services
An integral part of the Scholarship Prep Foster/Homeless Youth Services Program is to provide comprehensive, wraparound services to support our diverse foster/homeless youth population in achieving their unlimited potential. Foster/Homeless Youth and their families will receive additional guidance and support.
Foster Youth - Who is eligible for services?
Any child who is the subject of a juvenile dependency court petition, whether or not the child has been removed from his or her home. Any child who is the subject of a juvenile delinquency court petition and who has been removed from his or her home by the court under a “suitable placement” order.
Foster Youth Rights
AB 490: Ensuring Educational Rights and Stability for Foster Youth
* May attend their school of origin through the end of the academic school year.
* Have the right to attend their local public school regardless of time of enrollment or credit deficiency.
* May not be denied access to their local public school on the basis that he/she has had contact with the juvenile justice system.
* School placement decisions must be made in the student’s best interest.
* Have the right to be enrolled immediately regardless of fees, clothing, or records normally required for enrollment.
* Records must be transferred by sending school or requested by receiving school within two business days.
* A student’s grades may not be lowered due to absences caused by a change in placement, a court appearance, or a court-ordered activity.
* Students must have access to sports and extracurricular activities available to all students.
McKinney-Vento Rights
McKinney-Vento Definition of Homeless *42 U.S.C § 11434a(2)
Homeless youth can enroll in school even if they have uncertain housing, a temporary address or no permanent physical address. They are guaranteed enrollment in school by the federal McKinney-Vento Act and California state law if they live:
* In a shelter (family, domestic violence or youth shelter) or a transitional living program
* In a motel, hotel or weekly rate housing
* In a house or apartment with more than one family because of economic hardship or loss
* In temporary foster care or with an adult who is not a parent or guardian
* In substandard housing without electricity, water or heat
* With friends or family because they are a runaway or unaccompanied youth
To enroll or attend school, if you live under any of these conditions, you do not need to provide:
* Proof of residency
* Immunization records or TB skin test results
* School records
* Legal guardianship papers
Your child or children may have the right to:
* Immediate enrollment in the school they last attended (school of origin) or the local school where you are currently staying, even if you do not have all the documents normally required at the time of enrollment.
* Continue to attend their school of origin, if requested by you and it is in the best interest.
* Receive transportation to and from their school of origin, the same special programs and services, if needed, as provided to all other children, including free meals and Title I.
* Receive the full protections and services provided under all federal and state laws, as it relates to homeless children, youth, and their families.
For questions or support, contact:
Victor Carcamo, Coordinator of Student Services 714-244-0240 or [email protected]
Kristen Crowe, Chief Community Officer ,760-898-2715 or [email protected]
Homeless SheltersDrop In CentersShelters for FamiliesTemporary ShelterHousing for People with DisabilitiesShelter for Pregnant WomenShelter for Single IndividualsDomestic Violence SheltersRental AssistanceLandlord/Tenant ConcernsGeneral Dispute MediationHome MaintenanceSubsidized Housing/Section 8Rental ListingsGroceriesFood PantriesHot MealsHolmanCalFresh/Food StampsWICSenior MealsMeals on WheelsPet FoodHoliday AssistanceClothingBaby ClothingClothing DonationsShowersHygieneDrop In CentersDiapers
For questions or support, contact:Victor Carcamo, Coordinator of Student Services
714-244-0240 or
[email protected] or
Kristen Crowe, Director of Student Services,
760-898-2715 or
[email protected].